Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Post Aerification Update

The greens are continuing to get better and we will be treating them with some light sanding over the next few weeks. Due to the problem with the weather during our aerification, some of the greens did not get enough sand making for some uneven and bumpy conditions. We have verticut them and applied a moderate sanding, but we need to do more to get them where they need to be. Please be patient as we will try to do this during the week on days with less play.

The crew has recently finished edging all of the greenside bunkers and we will be going back in some places to put more sand down. We try and make sure we have at least 4 inches of sand in the entire bunker, but we do miss places and sand can move around, so if you experience an area that needs more sand please let me know and we can jump on it right away. Our next chore is to get all of the fairways bunkers edged in the next week or so.

Due to the wet conditions we were not able to put down any sand in the fairways when we aerified. We will do another aerification on the fairways when it drys to a point we can get the heavy spreader out without making any ruts. We're hoping this month if possible. We will keep you posted.

We have targeted some trees for removal and will be getting some bids to do the work very soon. We have targeted a select number of trees next to the restrooms on #14 which will allow more light for #15 tee and help us solve some drainage issues as well. In addition to trees in this location, we have identified a number of trees around the course to be removed that will help us with shade issues and frost in the fall and winter. We also will be removing some trees in a couple of locations that will enhance playability. Weather may play a role in removal so lets keep our hopes up for some good weather.

Finally, we are close to opening the turfgrass levels of the range and will coordinate this with the pro-shop soon. We are very close to getting our new dividers and want to coordinate opening the range when they arrive.